Friday, June 7, 2013

Big Brother is Only Sorta Annoying

I'm not really all that upset by the NSA snooping. Guess I kinda assumed that's exactly what the NSA does. If they weren't data mining, everyone would be saying, "you're doing it wrong." Everyone data mines. I get toilet paper ads 'cause I conclude my gmail missives with "tp." The apps I make track what skateboards players choose to ride and exactly how long they ride 'em. It's okay. The analytics are generalized and allow us to update and tweak our games so that they actually get better.

Analytics are kinda everywhere. I assumed and hoped the Feds had jumped into the game. Didn't we already accept this scenario in the Bush years? If I have a complaint, Obama should not have promised to stop doing these things. That's simply not pragmatic. Or honest.

It's sort of a misconception that the internet was ever or should be private, yes? 

To tweak perhaps most annoying bumper sticker of all time: if you're outraged, you haven't been paying attention. 

I looked up the company that NSA contracted for PRISM. Turns out big brother is kind of an annoying pseudo-hipster and maybe sorta gay. If so, he's likely more comfortable with himself than J Edgar. So, in that sense, we've come a long way.